Tuesday, March 22, 2011

cold box

Howdy all,

I did it, and now I am blogging. This is very new to me. I went shopping today, and got some more seeds for our garden. Also I found a wheelbarrow. It has two large thin wheels, and it dumps very easily. I put this on my wish list, with my wife. LOL

I am almost done building our first cold box. I had to get two more boards, because I miss cut the other one. OOPS LOL



  1. Hi Don, it's great to see you on the web! The wheelbarrow sounds great -- we certainly will need one when we start amending our soil. And I'm so excited about your cold frame project! Just let me know if I can help you at all in the process. Have you started your seeds yet?

  2. Wonderful! I'm already learning so much! Such as, what the heck a cold box is!
